nth claims to also work on regex Matchers:

user=> (doc nth)
([coll index] [coll index not-found])
  Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of
  bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied.  nth
  also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,
  in O(n) time, for sequences.

Please, could somebody show me an example of that? I tried things
along the lines of:

user=> (re-seq #"a" "ababaa")
("a" "a" "a" "a")
user=> (re-matcher #"a" "ababaa")
#<Matcher java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=a region=0,6 lastmatch=]>
user=> (nth (re-matcher #"a" "ababaa") 0)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No match found (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
user=> (seq (re-matcher #"a" "ababaa"))
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq
from: Matcher (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

... but no success so far.

Thank you, Frantisek
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