What about 'conj'? Documentation says:
(conj nil item) returns (item).

user=> (conj nil 1)
user=> (conj () 1)

Idiom "conj nil" is used in 'reverse': (reduce conj nil coll)
user=> (reverse [1 2])
(2 1)
user=> (reverse [1])
user=> (reverse [])

It looks that now all sequence functions return () instead of nil. Is
'reverse' correct?

Thank you, Frantisek

On Feb 17, 8:43 pm, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've merged the lazy branch into trunk, SVN rev 1287
> Please do not rush to this version unless you are a library/tool
> developer. Let them do their ports and chime in on their progress.
> Move only when the libs/tools you depend upon have been ported.
> Thanks to all for your feedback and input!
> Rich
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