I've been attempting to combine error-kit and test-is, but getting the
relation between assert-expr form in test-is and the handle form in
error-kit is a bit tricky. Looking at the test-is thrown? example and
Chouser's error-kit post on the mailing list I tried something like the

(defmethod assert-expr 'raised? [msg form]
  (let [error-type (second form)
    body (rrest form)]
    (report :fail ~msg '~form nil))
      (handle {:keys [& rest#]}
      (let [tag# (last rest#)]
        (println "raised!" rest# ~error-type)
        (if (= ~error-type tag#)
          (report :pass ~msg '~form nil)
          (report :fail ~msg '~form nil)))))))

The assert-expr seems OK, but I can't seem to get the error-type tag from

So here's the promised feedback on handle Chouser ;)


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