In Scheme, the common scheme used to name functions with side effects
is to append an exclamation mark to the function name.  Obviously, the
types of ways in which Clojure abstracts state modifications are more
complicated and complete than Scheme, so maybe a function naming
scheme for Clojure functions could be useful.   Is there a naming
scheme already being used out there or proposals for one?  Here are a
few examples of idioms I have seen that could maybe use a naming

1. Function that has a side effect:

(defn alpha [msg]
  (println msg))

2. Function that performs a transaction (and therefore has a side

(defn beta []
  (dosync (ref-set foo 10)))

3. Function that needs to be in a transaction:

(defn gamma []
  (ref-set bar 42))

--Kevin Albrecht
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