HI Phil. Tried the clojure-install on a fairly clean ubuntu / emacs23

Here is what went and what went wrong:
Had to use a different .emacs. Just autoload and add-to-list didn't
seem to load clojure-mode.el. Took a moment  to figure out that I had
to set clojure-src-root as well, as that isn't mentioned at the top of
the clojure-mode.el file. I've no clue why autoload won't work.
(push "/home/boris/.emacs.d" load-path)
(load-library "clojure-mode")

(autoload 'clojure-mode "clojure-mode" "A major mode for Clojure" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.clj$" . clojure-mode))
(setq clojure-src-root "/home/boris/opt")

The kevinoneill clojure-contrib failed for me (might be my
connection), so I replaced both kevinoneills with the svn checkouts
from googlecode. In retrospect it might have been because I didn't
replace git:// with http:// that is neccesary for me to git past a
proxy. The slime git worked fine, but took ages.. I replaced it with
git clone http://git.boinkor.net/git/slime.git

"git clone git://github.com/kevinoneill/clojure.git"
"git clone git://github.com/kevinoneill/clojure-contrib.git"
"svn checkout http://clojure.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ clojure"
"svn checkout http://clojure-contrib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

Furthermore, it might be nice to have an 'overwrite? ignore? keep?
option when clojure-install encounters relevant directories in the
clojure-src-root already. With all the failed gits, I've been
downloading clojure and clojure-contrib 5 times before all was

The whole thing compiled without any trouble, and after a M-x slime
told me it  "Cannot open load file: slime-repl". I am guessing it is
because I use a different slime git.

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