Hi folks - I was trying the example posted below, and I discovered a
slight snag - unchecked-* methods don't exist for doubles or floats!
(and if you call (unchecked-multiply 1.2 3.4) you get "No matching
method found"... which caused some confusion :) )

Is this something that might change in the future?  Or would it be
easy for a clojure newbie to implement them himself?  :-}

- Korny

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Zak Wilson <zak.wil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If a speed boost is what you're going for, you can probably get one
> from type coercion and (if you're not worried about overflow)
> unchecked-math. As an example:
> (defn step [x0, y0, xn, yn]
>   (let [dx0 (double x0)
>          dy0 (double y0)
>          dxn (double xn)
>          dyn (double yn)
>          xm (unchecked-add (unchecked-subtract (unchecked-multiply xn
> xn)(unchecked-multiply yn yn)) x0)
>          ym (unchecked-add (unchecked-multiply 2 xn yn) y0)]
>      [xm ym]))
> It's not pretty, I know, but you could assign shorter names for the
> unchecked-math functions if you end up using them heavily.
> >

Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com
kornys on gmail, twitter, facebook, etc.
"Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part
that wonders what the part that isn't thinking
isn't thinking of"

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