Yes, I think so.  My understanding of a reader marco is a character or set
of characters that is a shortcut for some other special form/macro that you
could use if the reader macro didn't exist.  By that definition, I think
[...] and {...} are also reader macros.  I think \ just part of the literal
syntax of a character, much like how 4 is part of the literal syntax of 42.
 I think "" for a string is similar, which also makes it not a reader macro.
 The comma is just simply another whitespace character, like space, tab or
newline, so again, that's not a reader macro.  It's just part of the syntax
the reader uses.  In the case of & in an argument list, I believe that is
just a symbol that the let special form uses for special meaning, just like
:as and :keys are special meaning when used within a let binding.
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Mark Volkmann <>wrote:

> Are all of these considered "reader macros"?
> ; (comment)
> @ (deref)
> ^ (get metadata)
> #^ (add metadata)
> ' (quote)
> #"..." (regex)
> ` (syntax quote)
> ~ (unquote)
> ~@ (unquote splicing)
> #' (var quote)
> #{...} (set)
> #(...) (anonymous function)
> Is it correct that these are not considered "reader macros"?
> \ (character literal)
> , (readability whitespace)
> [...] (vector)
> {...} (map)
> & (in arg list to gather a variable number of them)
> Did I miss any?
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
> >

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