Hello, and thanks for all the help with the IntelliJ plugin.

The next feature I want to implement is "references".  That is, one 
selects a symbol, and then can go to the location where that symbol was 
defined (e.g. def, defn, let, etc.).  One can also get a list of all the 
locations where that symbol is referenced.  This feature is very nice 
for navigating code, and is also the core of many automatic refactorings 
(e.g. "rename").

Implementing references are pretty straightforward in a static language 
like Java, were all the references are resolved at compile time.  
However, in a language like Clojure some references get resolved at run 

How do other IDEs handle this?  Is there a recommended set of rules for 
what references can and can not be resolved by the editor?  How does one 
detect a possible non-static reference, or how does one ensure that a 
reference will always refer to the same location? 

Note that I need a 100% reliable solution, if I am going to implement 
automatic refactoring on top of it.  No one wants refactoring that 
messes up the code 5% of the time.


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