
I'm just learning Clojure too, so I don't have much to add to what
everyone else has said, but here's my crack at a full implenentation
of merge-sort in Clojure.  I'm  sure that there is plenty of room for
improvement (especially wrt. the merge function) but in case it's
helpful, here it is:

(defn lazy-merge [seq1 seq2]
  (cond (<= (count seq1) 0) (lazy-cons (first seq2) (rest seq2))
        (<= (count seq2) 0) (lazy-cons (first seq1) (rest seq1))
        :else (let [h1 (first seq1)
                    h2 (first seq2)]
                (if (< h1 h2)
                    (lazy-cons h1 (lazy-merge (rest seq1) seq2))
                    (lazy-cons h2 (lazy-merge seq1 (rest seq2)))))))

(defn merge-sort [seq]
  (if (> (count seq) 1)
      (apply lazy-merge (map merge-sort (split-at (/ (count seq) 2)


On Jan 10, 9:21 pm, e <evier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm just trying to understand basic stuff.
> say I have a local list called "myList" (assigned using 'let' . . .
> should I have used something else?)  Who cares what's in it.  Maybe I
> set it up from a list comprehension from some input to my function.
> I have no idea how to iteratively mess with it since everything is
> persistent.  Ok, like, say it's a list of lists and I am going to be
> merging the lists, like Tarjan's mergesort from some book from
> college.
> so I have myList with contents [[11] [2] [4] [1] [99]]
> here's how I would do it in python:
> def msort(myList):
>   myList = [[x] for x in someList]
>   while len(myList) > 1:
>     l1 = myList.pop(0)
>     l2 = myList.pop(0)
>     listmerge = some_merge_function(l1, l2)
>     myList.append(listmerge)          # important that newly merged go
> to back of queue to get proper runtime
>   return myList[0]
> here's what I'm trying to do for clojure, and it's a mess:
> (defn msort [toSort]
>   (def sorted (let
>    [myList (for [x toSort] [x])]      <----- so far so good (not a
> real comment.  I don't know how, yet)
>    [
>     (while (> (count myList) 1)      <------- infinite loop the way
> written?  I don't know how to overwrite myList
>       (let [l1 (nth myList 0)][])
>       (let [l2 (nth myList 1)][])
>       (let [listmerge (some_merge_func l1 l2)][])
>       (let [myList (concat (drop 2 myList) listmerge)][myList])  <---
> probably a different local variable
>       )
>    ]))
>   sorted)
> doesn't compile anyway . . . I see that the let is causing the scope
> to be all screwed up.  l1 and l2 can't be seen for the merge function.
> should I be using let at all here?  Can things be redefined using
> def?  see how much simpler it is not to say anything?  Which is
> it .... def or let in python?  Answer: No . . .but I'm sure there's
> value.  This seems like something that might be in the FAQ. . . .or
> somewhere back in these discussions.  I'll look around.
> Thanks.

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