Closest I can get is this quote from a blog (http:// but I remember it
being written nicer somewhere else as well.

However, using purely functional programming is also not very useful,
since, if we allow no side effects, our program will do nothing except
heat up the CPU ((c) Simon Peyton Jones, who talked about Haskell (to
the Conference, and to me in an SE Radio interview, during which I
think I actually understood monads).

On Jan 5, 10:16 pm, Chouser <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Mark Volkmann <> 
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to recall where I heard a quote that goes something like this.
> > "If none of your functions have side effects then all you're doing is
> > heating up the processor."
> > Of course you should avoid side effects in most of your functions, but
> > at least one of them needs to have a side effect for most
> > applications.
> > Does anyone recall who said something like that?
> This is a little more specific, but the only thing that came to mind:
> Q: I wonder what (reduce + natural-numbers) should yield
> A: a very warm computer
> --Chouser
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