On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 8:38 PM, Rich Hickey <richhic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's simply no value for Clojure to add to a simple mutable box.
> Clojure does provide the tools for low-level mutation - access to
> Java. You can wrap that in whatever functions/macros you like.

There's no way to use the @ dereferencing syntax for a custom mutable
box, right?  The sample I gave would be considerably harder to read if
you had to use (box-ref u) instead of @u everywhere.

> OTOH, atom-set just invites the read-modify-write race conditions
> swap! was meant to avoid.

Yes, but not every write to an atom is going to be a read-modify-write
kind of change, which is why it feels odd to always be limited to

Since my examples emphasized the "simple mutable box" benefits of
having atom-set, and you didn't find that compelling, let's go back to
the discussion earlier in this thread about using an atom to maintain
a counter that increments to generate unique IDs.  You've already
stated that this is one of the uses that is a good fit for atom.

It would be entirely reasonable to want to, under certain conditions,
to reset the counter to 0.  When you reset to 0, that's just a
straight write.  Having to say (swap! counter (constantly 0)) feels
convoluted, and somewhat obscures the fact that this change is not
dependent on the previous state of the atom.  Furthermore, by having
to represent this reset as a swap, the counter reset might not happen
as quickly as one would like.  If there is a lot of contention and
other threads are in the process of incrementing the counter, the
reset might fail to go through for a while, because the value is
frequently changed by other threads between the unnecessary read and
the write of 0.  An atom-set would not only reflect the intentions of
the code better, but would provide better performance for the times
where a read is irrelevant to the value being written.

Yes, atom-set invites a certain potential for misuse, but atoms
already require a certain degree of care.

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