Ah, I didn't know about the doto change, thanks Stephen.  It runs now,
although it doesn't seem to catch any of my key presses.

On Dec 23, 3:08 pm, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <squee...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Dec 23, 2008, at 5:19 PM, MattyDub wrote:
> > On the Java Interop page (http://clojure.org/java_interop), the proxy
> > macro is described as creating "...a instance of a proxy class that
> > implements the named class/interface(s)...".  Is this done using Java
> > Dynamic Proxy Classes (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/
> > reflection/proxy.html)?
> That seems likely but I don't know for sure. The implementation is in  
> the Clojure distribution in src/clj/clojure/core_proxy.clj and  
> supporting classes in src/jvm/clojure/lang.
> >    Background to this question: I came across a blog post (http://
> >www.plt1.com/1070/even-smaller-snake/) which claims to implement the
> > game "Snake" in 35 lines of clojure.  However, it doesn't run; for one
> > thing, in line 26, the syntax for doseq is wrong.  Another problem has
> > to do with calling methods from the JPanel class on the proxied JPanel
> > object created in the run-snake function.  It looks like you shouldn't
> > call methods on proxied classes that aren't the ones you supplied when
> > creating the proxy - is that true?
> It's not true. In addition to the update to doseq's syntax, the code  
> there also needs an update to the new "doto" syntax. Now, when calling  
> methods on a Java object instance inside a "doto" form, the method  
> names need to be prefixed with ".":
>      (doto panel (.setFocusable true) (.addKeyListener panel))
>      (doto (new JFrame "Snake") (.add panel) (.setSize 800 600)  
> (.setVisible true))
> The code in the blog post worked for me with today's Clojure after I  
> made those two updates.
> --Steve
>  smime.p7s
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