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On 12/21/2008 12:03 PM, Adam Harrison (Clojure) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> First let me say 'Thankyou very much' for Clojure - it has enabled me to 
> finally take the plunge into learning a Lisp without feeling like I'm 
> abandoning a ten year investment in the Java platform and its libraries. 
> I bought 'Practical Common Lisp' about eighteen months ago and read it 
> half heartedly, never making it to a REPL; however I now have the luxury 
> of working on a project of my own and decided the time was right to 
> revisit the promised land of Lisp. I have been aware of Clojure for 
> about six months, and, given my experience of Java, it seemed like the 
> obvious place to start. I've spent the past couple of weeks devouring 
> lots of general Lisp related documentation, Rich's Clojure webcasts and 
> Stuart's 'Programming Clojure' book. I am pleased to report that my Lisp 
> epiphany occurred yesterday when I found I could understand this macro 
> pasted to lisp.org by Rich:
> (defmacro defnk [sym args & body]
>  (let [[ps keys] (split-with (complement keyword?) args)
>        ks (apply array-map keys)
>        gkeys (gensym "gkeys__")
>        letk (fn [[k v]]
>               (let [kname (symbol (name k))]
>                 `(~kname (~gkeys ~k ~v))))]
>    `(defn ~sym [...@ps & k#]
>       (let [~gkeys (apply hash-map k#)
>             ~@(mapcat letk ks)]
>         ~...@body))))
> I am now spoiled forever, and although my powers are weak, I realise I 
> have become one of those smug Lisp types condemned to look down on all 
> other programming languages for the rest of their lives. Thankyou's and 
> cliched tales of enlightenment dispensed with, I can now move on to the 
> plea for aid :)
> My current project involves semantic web technologies, at this point 
> specifically SPARQL queries over RDF triple stores (for those unfamiliar 
> with SPARQL it will suffice to say that it's a straightforward query 
> language modelled after SQL, but operating over graphs rather than 
> tables). Like their SQL counterpart, the Java APIs for performing these 
> queries are verbose and cumbersome, and I am hoping that they can be 
> hidden behind some cunning Lisp macros to provide an expressive and 
> tightly integrated semantic query capability (similar to Microsoft's 
> LINQ). Unfortunately my ambitions far exceed my skills at this point, 
> and I am hoping to garner some gentle mentoring to steer me in the right 
> direction from the outset.
> My first inclination is to start with the simplest thing which will 
> work, which is to create a function which takes a SPARQL query string as 
> an argument and returns a list of results:
> (sparql "
> PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1>
> SELECT ?name
> {
>    ?person foaf:mbox \"mailto:adam-cloj...@antispin.org\"; .
>    ?person foaf:name ?name
> }")
> However this style is poor for several reasons: it looks ugly, quotation 
> marks have to be escaped manually, and interpolation of variables into 
> the query string is a chore which further decreases readability. What I 
> really want is a nice DSL:
> (let [mbox "mailto:adam-cloj...@atispin.org";]
>  (sparql
>    (with-prefixes [foaf "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1";]
>      (select ?name
>        (where
>          (?person foaf:mbox mbox)
>          (?person foaf:name ?name)))))
> Clearly this is going to require a macro, because for a start I don't 
> want the symbols representing SPARQL capture variables (the ones 
> starting with '?') to be evaluated - I want to take the name of the 
> symbol, '?' and all, and embed it into the query string which this DSL 
> will ultimately generate before calling into the Java API. On the other 
> hand, I do want some things evaluated - I want to embed the value 
> ('mailto:adam-clog...@antispin.org') bound to the symbol 'mbox' in the 
> query string, not the name of the symbol.
>  From my position of total ignorance, I can see two broad approaches to 
> tackling this. The first is to implement (sparql ...) as a macro which 
> is responsible for interpreting the entire subtree of forms below it, 
> building a query string by selectively evaluating some forms whilst 
> using others as navigational markers which give context. It would honour 
> the grammar which defines SPARQL queries, and either signal an error or 
> be guaranteed to generate syntactically correct queries. The macro would 
> also have insight into the format of the data which would be returned 
> (gleaned from the 'select' part) and so could return something useful 
> like a list of maps where the keys are the names of the capture 
> variables that appear in the select clause. I have no idea how to do 
> this, but it feels like the 'right' way.
> The other approach, which is IMO a bit hacky, but within my reach, is to 
> define 'with-prefixes', 'select' and 'where' as individual macros whose 
> first arguments are expanded into the relevant subcomponent of the query 
> string and whose final argument is a string to be appended to the end. 
> You then compose these together into the right order to get the compete 
> query string:
> (with-prefix [foaf "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1";] "...the select 
> statement") would evaluate to "PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1> 
> ...the select statement"
> (select ?name "... the where clause") would evaluate to "SELECT ?name 
> WHERE ...the where clause"
> and so on. In this case 'sparql' would remain a function which takes a 
> string argument, and you build that query string recursively by nesting 
> calls to with-prefix, select & where in the correct order. Whist this is 
> much easier to implement, it has some serious drawbacks - it is up to 
> the user to compose these things in the correct order (since everything 
> gets flattened to a string at each level of recursion, we can't check 
> for errors), and it's no longer possible for the 'sparql' function to 
> glean the structure of its return value without reparsing the query 
> string it is passed.
> These problems aside, I decided to take a stab at implementing the 
> 'where' macro from the second approach because I have to start somewhere 
> :) Here is what I have so far:
> (defmacro where [& triples]
> `(let [encode# (fn [x#] (cond (and (symbol? x#) (= (first (name x#)) 
> \?)) (name x#)
>                               (integer? x#) (str "\"" x# "\"^^xsd:integer")
>                               (float? x#) (str "\"" x# "\"^^xsd:decimal")
>                               (string? x#) (str "\"" x# "\"")))]
>   (apply str
>    (interpose " .\n"
>      (for [triple# '~triples]
>        (apply str
>          (interpose " "
>            (map encode# triple#))))))))
> As you can see, so far it correctly encodes SPARQL capture variables, 
> and literal strings, integers and floats:
> user=> (print (where (?a ?b 1) (?a ?b 2.0) (?a ?b "string")))
> ?a ?b "1"^^xsd:integer .
> ?a ?b "2.0"^^xsd:decimal .
> ?a ?b "string"
> I tried adding '(list? x#) (eval x#)' to the encode cond to make it cope 
> with expressions like this:
> (where (?a ?b (+ 1 2)))
> Unfortunately that results in an unencoded literal '3' in the query 
> string instead of the '"3"^^xsd:integer' I was looking for. I tried 
> calling encode recursively (despite the obvious infinite recursion issue 
> if the eval returns a list) '(list? x#) (encode# eval x#)' but I got an 
> error at runtime:
> user=> (where ((+ 1 2)))
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: encode__2605 in this context
> clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: NO_SOURCE_FILE:153: Unable to 
> resolve symbol: encode__2605 in this context
> Clealy this is due to encode# not being bound until after the function 
> definition completes, but I have no idea how to fix it yet (is there a 
> way to refer to a function during its definition?). I am also struggling 
> to get access to variables bound outside the macro:
> (let [v "a value"]
>  (where (?a ?b v))
> I tried adding '(symbol? x#) (eval x#)' to the encode cond but that gets 
> me a complaint about 'v' being unresolvable in this context.
> Another problem I face is that there is no enforcement that triples are 
> passed - the macro just maps all the values through encode and 
> interposes them with spaces, so no error is raised if you have too many 
> or too few values to create a valid where clause. I have no idea what is 
> the proper way of dealing with things like this in a functional language.
> So as you can see, if you have made it heroically to the end of this 
> email, I am keen but facing a steep learning curve :) I am aware that 
> most of my troubles are well trodden issues that no doubt have thirty 
> year old Lisp idiomatic solutions, and for bothering you with them on a 
> Clojure specific mailing list I apologise. On the other hand, if you 
> feel like sharing some wisdom with me, either directly or through 
> pointers to resources I would be most grateful. I would also be most 
> appreciative to receive comments on the design of the DSL itself, and 
> suggestions for the most Lispish/Clojurish implementation thereof. In 
> the meantime, it's back to the REPL for me :)
> Best Regards,
> Adam Harrison


I have also been doing work with Jena+Clojure+Sparql.

I'm not sure if you're aware of it or not, but you might want to look
into binding result sets. [1]

I would love to compare notes with you some time. I am duck1123 on
freenode, and my jabber address is the same as my email.

[1]: http://www.ldodds.com/blog/archives/000251.html

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