Hi Steve,

Thanks for your work on polishing up Clojure's entry point situation.

I've applied your patch and tried a series of typical entry point
scenarios; all but one of them worked for me. Just for the record,
here is what did work:
- Using "-h" to get help
- Using no options to boot into a repl
- Running the repl with jLine
- Using "-" to read from stdin
- Running a script located based on a filesystem path
- Running a script located relative to classpath
- Using "-i" to load files before running a script
- Using set! in one of these init files
- Accessing *command-line-args* from a script

The one that didn't work was booting into a line-numbered repl, which
is the setup I use now with trunk Clojure and Clojure-Contrib:
java -cp clojure.jar:/Users/mmcgrana/Clojure/jars/clojure-contrib.jar
clojure.main -e "(use 'clojure.contrib.repl-ln)" -e "(repl)"

This just hangs without giving a prompt, and then when I press enter
it goes into an infinite loop of error messages.
Perhaps I'm just using the wrong approach to booting in the line-numbering repl?

- Mark

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi <squee...@mac.com> wrote:
> The enclosed updated patch: unified-main-2.patch addresses all defects I am
> aware of in its predecessor.
> On Dec 17, 2008, at 6:10 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:
>> On Dec 17, 2008, at 2:27 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
>>> In what way is that the right thing to do?
>> The idea was that the sequence of top level forms may each depend on the
>> success of the previous one. It can easily be changed to consider them all
>> independent and I'll be happy to do that.
> Top level forms are now independently evaluated. As always, only the most
> recent exception is saved in *e so stack trace information can be lost in
> the case of multiple exceptions on the same input line. I think that's ok.
>>> I'm quite concerned about compatibility, especially with all the
>>> read-line stuff. I remember some nightmares:
>> I know you're talking about unexpected nightmares. I think testing by
>> others would be wise and I welcome it. These specific ones came up in my own
>> testing I believe the patched code handles them well.
>> [details]
> (read-line) now works in an unsurprising, easy to explain way. All kinds of
> reading from the input stream during eval are now supported and they no
> longer interfere with prompting.
> The behavior is that after reading a top level form and before evaluating
> it, if the input stream is pointing at a newline character, the repl will
> consume that newline before evaluating the form. If the top level form
> doesn't end the input line, any reading done by the code being eval'd begins
> right after the form and all subsequent characters including whitespace and
> newlines will be seen.
> Without this special handling, (read-line) from the repl would always return
> "".
> (Alternative special handling would skip whitespace after the top level form
> rather than only a single newline character. I think the latter is
> preferable, but it would be easy to change to the other option.)
> Here are some examples with notes below:
>        Clojure
> 1       user=> (read-line)
> 2       123
> 3       "123"
> 4       user=> (read-line)123
> 5       "123"
> 6       user=> (read-line) 1 2 3
> 7       " 1 2 3"
> 8       user=> [(.read *in*)(.read *in*)(.read *in*)(.read *in*)]
> 9       1234
> 10      [49 50 51 52]
> 11      user=> [(.read *in*)(.read *in*)(.read *in*)(.read *in*)]
> 12      12
> 13      34
> 14      [49 50 10 51]
> 15      4
> 16      user=> [(.read *in*)(.read *in*)(.read *in*)(.read *in*)]1
> 17      23456
> 18      [49 10 50 51]
> 19      456
> 20      user=> (.read *in*)
> 21      1 2 3
> 22      49
> 23      2
> 24      3
> 25      user=>
> Notes:
> 1. The newline the user entered after ")" is eaten. The repl blocks on the
> next line waiting for input. A string containing the entire line of input is
> returned as the value of the (read-line).
> 4. There is no newline immediately after ")", so the rest of the line is
> returned by (read-line)
> 6. Same situation here. Note that the returned value begins with whitespace.
> 8. Reading 4 character codes into a vector. They are the codes for 1, 2, 3,
> and 4.
> 11. Reading 4 character codes into a vector. They are the codes for 1, 2,
> newline, and 3. The subsequent 4 remains on the input stream and is
> read/eval/printed.
> 16. Reading 4 character codes into a vector. The first comes from after the
> top level form. Then newline, 2, and 3. Then 456 is read/eval/printed.
> 20. One character code is read, then 2 and 3 are read/eval/printed.
>>> Are these changes compatible with the interactions done via, say, emacs
>>> inferior lisp mode? It's important to consider the fact that the repl can be
>>> interacted with by programs, not just people.
> In those I've tested, it has worked fine. The "prompt only when there's
> nothing left to read/eval/print from the most recent user input" behavior is
> now configurable via a ":need-prompt" (function) argument to the repl. There
> is an opportunity to prompt after each top level read/eval/print is
> complete. If (need-prompt) returns true, the prompt will be printed. The
> default need-prompt function cooperates with LineNumberingPushbackReader to
> determine when we're about to wait for the user to type on a new blank line
> and prompts only then. If some software requires prompting for every top
> level read/eval/print, code that launches the associated repl can pass in
> #(identity true) for need-prompt.
>> Could someone please try it with Gorilla?
> It appears nobody has tried this.
>>> Has anyone tried this patch under Windows?
> I tried it on Windows and it works fine. I learned something important here.
> LineNumberingPushbackReader wraps a LineNumberReader stream. The latter
> collapses all three supported line terminators: CR, LF, and CRLF into a
> single \n character. We've been running with that all along. I've taken
> advantage of that to simplify clojure.main and my modifications to
> LineNumberingPushbackReader and noted that I'm using that behavior in
> comments and doc strings.
>>> There also seems to be a difference in behavior between clojure.main and
>>> Repl regarding shutdown:
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/msg/eea16032c5b6b591
>>> is that difference in the patch?
> clojure.main/main now calls (flush) and (System/exit 0) to address the
> reported shutdown issues.
>>> I guess I'm looking for recommendations about how best to test this short
>>> of a push-it-and-(briefly)-break-all-svn-users.
>> I'm open to any ideas along those lines. Are there volunteers to test? to
>> review the code? to suggest a better way to fix read-line?
> I think there won't be much if any breakage and I'll be quick to respond if
> there is. In this thread, we've given folks the opportunity to give it a try
> and give feedback. Unfortunately there hasn't been any. I would encourage
> interested folks to give this patch a try, review the code, and speak up.
> I'll be happy to fix any problems anyone finds with this.
> --Steve

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