> I have a strong dislike for the concept of TIMTOWTDI (There is more
> than one way to do it .

This should be a guiding design goal for any core lisp devel. Get the
core right and TIMTOWTDI is a `side effect' of good design rather than
the inverse.

On Dec 19, 7:36 am, "Mark Volkmann" <r.mark.volkm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you don't need this, you don't have to use it.
> I feel very strongly that Clojure, and any programming language,
> should avoid using this rationale when adding support for new syntax.
> Just because a developer chooses not to use a particular feature
> doesn't mean they don't have to understand it. They will have to read
> the code that other developers write and those developers may use the
> feature.
> I have a strong dislike for the concept of TIMTOWTDI (There is more
> than one way to do it ... pronounced "tim toadie") that Perl and Ruby
> espouse. I think it's fine to have more than one way to do something
> IF each way has some unique characteristic such as performance in
> different scenarios, but not if each way is just a different syntax
> for the same functionality.
> Part of the success of Clojure (measured in adoption) will depend on
> how much effort is required to learn it. Anything extra that makes
> Clojure code more challenging to read and determine what the code does
> works against the goal of getting more developers to consider using
> Clojure.
> --
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.
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