> Suggestions for entries welcome here.

> >
> > Rich

Here's another that was a "gotcha" for me for an hour or two...

Why after using map/reduce/for to change a java object does the object
remain unchanged?

(defn initv1 [myseq] (let [v (java.util.Vector.)] (for [x myseq]
(.addElement v x)) v))
(initv1 [1 2 3])
; => (java.util.Vector. [])

; or...

(defn initv2 [myseq] (let [v (java.util.Vector.)] (map (fn [x] (.addElement
v x)) myseq) v))
(initv2 [1 2 3])
; => (java.util.Vector. [])

As map/reduce/for are lazy, the "let" construct does not actually "take" any
elements from the map/reduce/for. In this case, use doseq...

(defn initv3 [myseq] (let [v (java.util.Vector.)] (doseq [x myseq]
(.addElement v x)) v))
(initv3 [1 2 3])
; => (java.util.Vector. [1 2 3])

(Actually this happened in a more complex function, but the essence was that
a new java object was instantiated in a let and I'd used a map to call a
method on that object with all the items from a sequence. I could not
understand why the object remained unchanged afterwards until I simplified
it down to the above example).

Regards, Adrian

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