Should I interpret the silence on this topic to mean that there aren't
any places I can go to find out about *agent*, etc.?  In another
thread on this group, I see that there is a *out*, as well; I assume
therefore that there is a *in*.  Perhaps those are documented
somewhere - any pointers?  (Perhaps this exposes some lack of
knowledge of google on my part, but I am unable to find any results
for, e.g.,"*agent*";
The asterisks are just lost, even with the quoting.)

On Dec 8, 5:48 pm, MattyDub <> wrote:
> This talk was very informative, and I was glad for it.  There were
> several informative things in the talk that I haven't seen documented
> anywhere (like the explanation of the thread pools backing (send ...)
> vs (send-off ...)).  But is there anyplace I could read this
> information?  Is there anyplace I could read where *agent* is
> documented, for example?  Other than buying Stuart's book? ;)  In
> general, I prefer reading to watching videos - it's just a lot faster.
>    Thanks again,
> -Matt
> On Dec 7, 8:07 am, "Michael Wood" <> wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Dave Newton <> wrote:
> > > --- On Sun, 12/7/08, Michael Wood wrote:
> > >> Is there an explanation that's a little smaller than 607MB?
> > > The slides and the code?
> > :)
> > Ah, sorry.  Didn't see the slides link.
> > --
> > Michael Wood <>
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