Hi Matt,

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:22 PM, mosi <skawan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it seems I found the tick with swank-clojure, slime and emacs.
> Swank/clojure works only if the user is not root. (Or so it seems on
> my linux setup)

Why would you want to run swank-clojure as root? That would be
extremely dangerous.


> Following your instructions on http://bc.tech.coop/blog/081023.html
> if the user is root, swank-clojure spawns a server listening on a
> given port, and the slime (or for that matter any other program, e.g.
> telnet) cannot connect to the given port.
> Nevermind the protocol version, the bug is reproducible with both of
> them, "2008-11-23" and "2008-12-07".
> Installation: debian lenny up-to-date 12/2008.
> Emacs 21, Emacs 22, X or text versions
> Slime from repository and git slime from 12/2008 tested
> swank/clojure "2008-12-07" and newer tested.
> I didn`t find out if the bug is in my linux config (no firewall
> installed, no selinux) or in any of the packages (Emacs?)
> It`s probably not slime. Slime works with sbcl and clisp.
> Could anybody confirm/reject my wild assumtions?
> Have a nice day,
> mosi
> PS: Thanx Feng hou for helping to find out the most basic swank-
> clojure setup. It was not clear from the docs, that the following is
> needed to start:
> (swank/start-server "/dev/null" :port 4005 :dont-close true)
> In all the web tutorials the old function name is used.
> On Dec 9, 2:10 am, "Bill Clementson" <billc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 4:29 PM, mosi <skawan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > thank you for helping the beginners like me with the setup of emacs,
>> > slime and clojure.
>> > I tried first the official method described elsewhere on this forum -
>> > ubuntu linux instructions.
>> > Unsuccessful.
>> > Following your instructions, the same issue, my linux emacs22 gets to
>> > this point:
>> > (add-classpath "file:////install/swank-clojure/")
>> > (require (quote swank))
>> > (swank/ignore-protocol-version "2008-11-23")
>> > (swank/start-server "/tmp/slime.10616" :encoding "iso-latin-1-unix")
>> > Clojure
>> > user=> nil
>> > user=> nil
>> > user=> "2008-11-23"
>> > user=> Connection opened on local port  58654
>> > 58654
>> > user=>
>> > And waits for connection. The socket (or a file?) /tmp/slime.xxxx does
>> > not exist. Connection time-out causes an error - waiting for slime
>> > session to connect to swank server.
>> > My impression is: the swank server never started. Probably swank-
>> > clojure broken? I have the latest git version as of 07.12.2008.
>> > Any ideas?
>> > thanks a lot.
>> > mosi
>> You said that you followed my instructions; however, the protocol
>> version that prints out in the inferior-lisp buffer is "2008-11-23".
>> In my version of SLIME (which is several days old) the protocol
>> version that prints out in the inferior-lisp buffer is "2008-12-02".
>> If you have a swank-clojure from 07.12.2008, I suspect (at least) your
>> SLIME install is older than that. Therefore, I would suggest that you
>> repeat steps 1-5 (from my original email) to make certain you really
>> have compatible versions of each package.
>> - Bill
> >

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