I got this message from Feng, thank you very much. Posting for future
Feng  to me:
swank-clojure had some major change since then. If you use latest git
clone, you should replace swank/create-server with,

(swank/start-server "/dev/null" :port 4005 :dont-close true)

/dev/null only works on *nix OS. Uses a plain file path if you use

- Feng

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 7:11 PM, mosi <mosi> wrote:

    you posted some time ago:
    ;; A boot script to start swank-clojure from clojure repl
    (add-classpath "file:///path/to/swank-clojure")
    (require 'swank)
    (swank/create-server :port 4005 :dont-close true)

    I`m having problems with the emacs/slime/clojure setup.
    The last thing I tried was your approach.
    The thing is, after adding a correct classpath and create-server:
    java.lang.exception: No such var: swank/create-server

    Any idea what am I doing wrong?
    Thanx a lot,
    best regards,
Use the force, read the source,
Jedi Feng knows,
Jedi Feng teaches.
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