On 8 déc, 17:14, Mark Fredrickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Alternatively, could I provide a "multi-
> >> math" lib to redefine the core math functions?
> > Type classes would be king.
> Do you mean this in the Haskell sense?
Yes :  http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/classes.html
Haskell make a dispatch on type at runtime.

> > (ns test.test
> >  (:refer-clojure :exclude [+ -]))
> > (defn +
> >  [a b]
> >  33)
> > (+ 1 2) ;= 33
> Thanks for the suggestion,

You can "overload" core function :
(binding [clojure.core/compare (constantly 1)]
 (sort [1 5 2 6])) ;(6 2 5 1)

But it wouldn't work  if the function is inline.
(binding [clojure.core/= (constantly false)]
  [(= 1)
   (= 1 1)
   (not= 1 1)
  ])  ; [false true false]

> this will give me a chance to play around  
> with multi-method and see what I think.

I'm not sure, but :
defmethod macro simply call addMethod on clojure.lang.MultiFn object.
So you can add method from an other namespace.

Basically, you would build something like type class.
But it wouldn't play nice with core operator.

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