Dan Larkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It's been mentioned before but I'd like to see a planet.clojure.org à
> la the planet planet powered sites (http://www.planetplanet.org/).

I do a lot of work with feeds; I've been toying with the idea of porting
Planet to Clojure. We use the Rome feed parsing library at work via
JRuby, but I've done a bit to hook it up to Clojure and it seems to work

The problem is, as Bill mentioned above, not many folks blog exclusively
about Clojure, and not all blog software supports feeds on a per-tag
basis. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't set something like this up;
sometimes it's nice to get a bigger slice of the community.

Anyway, I'll post here again when I've got something working. If anyone
wants to help with coding "Planet Clojure", let me know. Not that it's a
hard task, but this is my first Clojure code.


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