> I've been converting some projects to Clojure for the past few months...
> but thinking about them enough to express the issue clearly has so far
> always resulting in my solving them easily.

This is GREAT to hear. I personally place considerable measure on
accounts such as yours because they offer a degree of historic context
- this is something which I find lacking w/re to most contemporary new
programming languages. This is unfortunate because there are so many
reasons that an eye to the longer term context would prevent CS from
constantly re-inventing the wheel.

I suspect that unlike many of Clojure's early adoptees I do not
produce code professionally or on a for hire basis.  My gut tells me
that this affords me certain insights that are not immediately visible
to those entrenched in the active work a day of developing the
language and bringing it to a 1.x reliable production release.

My personal interest in Clojure (and programming languages in general)
is directed solely towards maintaining/building the systems and
environments I use in an area of specific professional concern (fine
arts + art history).  For the most part, 'programming arts' have few
immediate intersections with the particular fine arts applications I
concern myself with.

When first examining language paradigms which might facilitate tool
creation/maintenance related to my formal area of expertise I found
that those of the 'Lisp School' (if there is such a thing) best
dovetailed with my internal maps, associations, and arrangements of
the fine arts subject matter. In particular I've found Li-spy concepts
like 'Code as Data - Data as Code' to be of immediate relevance when
considering how to best model data that is conceptually abstract and
which is invariably fluid and dynamic.

One thing I find truly inspiring about Lisps is that over their 50 yr
history - as a group or language paradigm - they have consistently
"Done the Right Thing". From the perspective of one who routinely
handles, preserves, and conserves visual objects at one time created
for their aesthetic value this is important. In the arts "doing the
right thing" is probably no more quantifiable than in programming.
However, as the arts are an older more established field of creation
there are certain measures of rightness that can be ascertained over
time - "Is a work remembered, if so why? Did it influence
significantly - Whom? Did it innovate - How? Did it sell well at
auction - How Much?" Viewed en masse these questions can give a good
approximation of a work's aesthetic 'rightness'. Prob. no one
remembers the picture of a tree you drew in kindergarten - that
doesn't make it wrong - but it does not make it not right... Even if
you were a child prodigy unless your childhood art satisfied certain
of the aforementioned measures we can not gauge it's rightness in the
now with any quantifiable certainty (subjective as it may be).

We know lisps have DTRT because:

a) They are still around and used actively;

b) They've influenced the design of nearly every popular language used
in commerical production code today;

c) They helped inspire many of the language innovations provided by
today's popular languages;

d) For nearly 20+ yrs they were provided as core language components
of many state of the art mainframe, distributed, parallel processing
computing environments (that we know about).

All of this suggests to me that Lisp as a language has been bolstered
by a community concerned with achieving value over the long term and
with lasting for 'the long now'. Typically, when creators concern
themselves as such they're output achieves a certain aesthetic beauty
- an elegance.  I believe that things created with aesthetic rightness
as a guiding principle are generally shown to be 'better' than those
that aren't. Beautiful things are worth keeping, celebrating, sharing,
defending, preserving, and maintaining.
It is for this reason that I am drawn to Lisp.

This tropism towards a lispy approach is not one that has been
embraced by the broader jobbing CS community in recent times. I
believe this is due in large part to the rise of Internet/web
applications circa 1995-2005 which have *required* a rapid/
reproducible pattern of design/implementation which allowed for
scalable turnkey deployments of 'enterprise' data - MVC being a
classic example. That said, such approaches have tended to leverage
imperative style and OO design - neither of which scale well for data
and data oriented tasks outside the purview of 'enterprise'.

In lieu of this we've seen tremendous effort extended to the formation
of standards like XML/rdf which aim towards the production of some
sort of "semantic web" and which are geared in large part towards
enabling non-programmers to process, communicate, and assemble, data
specific to domains outside those typically embodied by

Where 'enterprise' has benefited from a separation of concerns - code
as code/data as data; other domains (often with data that is more
nuanced, less empirical, or otherwise indefinite) have languished. Non
enterprise oriented domains tend to benefit from the "Code as Data -
Data as Code" approach. This is precisely what XML/rdf attempts to

However, there is a fundamental orthogonality to the XML/rdf approach
- the development tool and developers which have thrived in last 15
yrs are for the most part enacting these technologies with languages
rooted in an imperative style wrapped up in OO design - these
languages and their developers fall over when they try to do  "Code as
Data - Data as Code". That being said, XML/RDF is not all bad, MVC w/
scripting/SQL works great for lots of apps and Billions of Dollars
worth of legacy production code isn't going anywhere soon (nor should
it). We're all stuck with situations which require us to continue
leveraging existing data into new new and interesting, *interoperable*

This is not an intractable situation. Integration of Lisp paradigms
into these systems alongside or in place of existing codebases provide
a way forward. Though, it seems that there are some who have
considerable investment stakes in further intractability and
convincing others that the Lisp paradigm is a dead end - I read
recently where Tim O'Reilly mouthed off with a suggestion that XML/
Xpath/XSLT has largely supplanted need for a modern Lisp. Note to Tim;
</tag> will never parse the same as `)' no matter how much your
publishing enterprise *needs*  to continue twisting reality to
accommodate that perspective...

>From a non programmer perspective 'Code people' tend to be overtly
concerned with matters such as Type Correctness, Turing Completeness,
Data Structure Optimization, b-trees vs hash tables, etc. And with
good reason, their success depends on these matters. Still, code isn't
written in a vacuum - it must interact - often times with humans. Non
'Code People' tend not to care about b-trees.

I recall arguing with a developer at length about a specific design
choice pertaining to a reasonable model on semantic relations within a
relational db and when/if to limit the number of joins on an SQL
query.  "We can't do that, the db will CRAWL!"  He was right, the db
crawled.... but the relation was valid - moreover the need to access
that relation was valid. Unfortunately our environment was limited to
budged constraints and the tools at our disposal and the relational db
was driving the design choices.

At that time, I was not familiar enough w/ dbs to recognize this
developers concerns and why he was expressing them - whether he
understood my *need* to perform the query was an entirely separate
issue. The point is, developers and development tools affect design
decisions AND they affect the way users influence and employ the
software developed with those tools (this is Paul Graham's 'Blub

Collectively, we now have 10+ yrs of web/network aware production code
*and* data most of which has been built with imperative style OO
design tools. More recent trends in popular language design seem to
acknowledge the need for some
move towards better integration of code with data - typically this
involves leveraging scripting tools to do so. Still, these same
languages and their clans of developers are want to continue
encouraging that the data itself be modeled /constructed and
accordingly parsed internally in an OO style eg XML/rdf. The scripting
is often simply an after thought dropped in as a means with which to
'lazily' avoid compilation concerns vis a vis dynamic data

It appears to me that the recent chorus has been that use of dynamic
scripting languages as abstraction layers on an underlying core of
imperative style OO languages are the way out of this problem. e.g.
ECMA script. (Note: ECMA script behind all the bells and whistles is
Scheme's ugly step-brother from a now defunct marriage)  Despite Steve
Yegge's claims to the contrary, Java-script may not be the answer to a
move towards achieving more "Code as Data Data as Code", any more than
compiled C is the way to build an ecommerce site or Java code makes
for non verbose way to write one off record reports.

On the other hand, where past LISPs have been highly successful they
have floundered in potentially irreversible ways due in large parts to
the way they have historically handled compilation to byte code -
(e.g. Lucid and the move to C).  While there is NO reason traditional
Lisp languages can't accommodate modern and future processors - the
underlying codebase, developer base, hardware infrastructures, etc.
are dwarfed by those of the more successful and popular imperative
based OO style languages.  In many respects it is simply an
insurmountable task to bring the entirety  of any legacy Lisp system
onto a competitive playing field with the Python, C++, Perl 5.xx,
Java, etc.

"Doing The Right Thing" entails achieving successful transparent
integration of both worlds. So far Clojure seems to have achieved a
rightness to these approaches.  Mark Tarver's QiII is the another
attempt towards a reintegration of Lisp into popular commercial
languages though his approach is radically different - keeping a CL
core Tarver's approach can allow for massive Type extensibility to the
language and compiles down to lisp byte code. Tarver's approach is the
more academic of the two and may well never yield/generate immediately
commercially viable production quality language inter ops for jobbing
programmers. This is why I find Clojure so exciting. So far it has
made good efforts to accommodate most of Lisp terse syntax and
Functional Style.

That said, I take some issue with calling Clojure a pure Lisp style
functional language - simply eschewing side-effects does not a lispy
FP make.  It is just as important that Clojure stands up under heavy
native macro augmentation (sans external Java imports), and the ease
with which this can be achieved - the book is still out on that one
(literally) - if extending Clojure's native macros beyond the core
precludes reasonable external Java Interop or is otherwise more
painful than CL's FFI what does it get you other further tied to a
Java based environment - one that doesn't currently offer TCO or offer
native support of complex numbers?

I believe that Rich Hickey has the vision, experience, and grey matter
to make Clojure the next 25yr language. His enthusiasm is inspiring
and as stated elsewhere "infective". It's hard not to watch RH's
Autumn '08 screencasts and not feel as if your getting let in early on
a big secret.

I believe he has a commitment to DTRT. In many ways he's asking a lot
of Lispers to place faith in him when he says - "Trust me I've thought
about this and looked into it - I've decided this is the right thing".
By all accounts he's standing on the shoulder's of giants.  Certainly
there are a good many that want to see him get it right. There are
probably also a good many that would relish him getting it wrong.
There some smart cookies in each camp - and despite the relative
motivations they are definitely watching on with a strong eye towards

If RH is getting it right then a lot of people waiting in the wings
want right to be RIGHT - it is doubtful they will put their seal of
approval on it without such assurances. Equally if there are not
insignificant design flaws then it is important that they be well
scrutinized and publicly discussed. The conventional wisdom seems to
be that the JVM and similar run-times present an environment where
language design is cheap... If RH gets it wrong someone else will get
it right next time.  I don't accept this - there are far too many
wasted resources as it is on failed or compromised languages. With the
potential for the first time in quite awhile for new research/
investment dollars to enter the field - now seems like the absolute
wrong time to promote forks, fragmentation and Babylon.

I also believe that he can have all of these things and Clojure can
fall short of the mark without the active adoption of Common Lispers
and Schemers ready to let go of some of the unfulfilled promises of
earlier lisps.

Clojure is a radical design.  Not necessarily from an algorithmic
standpoint (and i wouldn't know or be qualified to judge anyways) but
simply because it is written in Java!  If it's true what they say that
change happens where you least expect it then change has come to Lisp
Land. It takes *real balls* to endeavor to design a lisp in "blub" -
get rid of the cons cell - and then insist that the language has the
potential for future Lisp superiority in the realm of concurrent,
distributed, and parallel processing (my understanding says these
areas are a convergence?).  Having lost the OS to C - recent lisp lore
characterizes Java as a sort of supreme example of all that is wrong
with the world.  Asking lispers to move (stoop) into that Clojure's
Java world is a bold move. In his Oct. '08 screen cast RH says
something along the lines of "Java isn't the JVM" Which while
technically true doesn't swallow easily, moving your development
platform to the JVM is a slippery slope.

One of the knocks on CL is the way it supports arrays.  Yeah, it's a
bit awkward. That said, take a gander out how Clojure supports
arrays... And therein lies the slippery slope (Java doesn't even
support Java array!).  That said, there is no reason one is required
to use Java arrays... that is if RH has gotten the rest of it right.

I want Clojure to be the right thing.  I sincerely believe RH when he
says he has gotten it right. I don't see a better chance to bring Lisp
into the 21st C.  I don't want to look up a year from now and feel
like i wasted time learning Clojure basics. I believe the success of
Clojure is of considerable importance for the future of Lisp.  I also
worry that without good participation from  advanced CLers, Emacser
and Schemers that no matter how "right" the core is the Java influence
will lead it down 'a not quite right' or 'good enough for Java' path.
This is not to speak ill of Java but as my daddy used to say "two
wrongs don't make a right"

I look forward to hearing of more more longtime Lispers jumping on the
Clojure Bandwagon. It means RH is getting it right.

> I've been converting some projects to Clojure for the past few months,
> and I thought it was about time to say something about how much fun it
> is. I've nearly posted a couple of times about issues that cropped up,
> but thinking about them enough to express the issue clearly has so far
> always resulting in my solving them easily. To me, that's a sign of a
> good piece of design.
> I've been a Common  Lisp programmer for many years. My first  serious
> project with Common Lisp started at Apple Computer in 1989. I used
> Coral Common Lisp and got to know the people who produced it. I ended
> up working with them again several times. They're my main customer
> now; their business is called Clozure Associates, and they maintain
> Clozure Common Lisp, which, once upon a time, was Coral Common Lisp.
> It was a message from one of the Clozure partners that first made me
> aware of Clojure. She noticed that they weren't the only Lisp-based
> venture using a misspelling of "closure" as a name.
> One of the things the Coral/Clozure folks did while I was at Apple was
> the design and implementation of Dylan. The early version of Dylan,
> before the invention of the infix notation, was probably my favorite
> programming language. I worked on a version of the Newton OS that was
> implemented in that version of Dylan, and preferred it over any other
> programming language before or since.
> I think I've used Clojure enough now to say that I like it as much as
> that old version of Dylan. It's possible I'll end up liking it more.
> In some areas, I'm not sure yet whether I like Clojure as much. Is it
> as easy to extend the sequence abstraction to user-defined datatypes
> as it was in Dylan? Dunno. I do know that I like the unified sequence
> abstraction in Clojure. Is the Clojure design for multimethods as
> natural and convenient as the CLOS-based one in Dylan? Dunno. It feels
> awkward so far, but I do like the separation of protocol from
> representation; Clojure may be the first language I've used that does
> what I've always wanted there. It's taking a while to get used to
> derive. I very much like the freedom to create arbitrary ad hoc
> classification relationships with it, but relying on symbol tags feels
> a little forced sometimes. It doesn't seem to be impeding me, though,
> so maybe it's just a matter of getting used to something new. Are
> Clojure namespaces as pleasant as Dylan modules? Hm. Not really. And
> the implicit mapping to a hierarchical filesystem feels a little
> creepy, as it does in other languages that do it (e.g. Java and
> Python). But Clojure's design fits the JVM, which is a virtue that
> might trump other considerations, at least for now.
> I've moved pretty much all my spare-time projects over to clojure and
> it's been a pleasure so far. It's a nice piece of work. It seemed
> appropriate to say thanks for it. So thanks!
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