
Looking at the code I see

(defn sum-trees [iterations depth]
  (let [sum #(+ (check-tree (make-tree % depth))
                      (check-tree (make-tree (- %) depth)))]
    (reduce + (map sum (range 1 (inc iterations))))))

Shouldn't expressing the algorithm as a REDUCE and MAP instead of a LOOP 
do the trick?  I would expect that to compile into parallel code.  
Otherwise, why go through all the pain of learning functional 
programming (and convincing management)?

Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Sunday 07 December 2008 07:11, Peter Wolf wrote:
>> I'm a n00b, but isn't the point of this language to be *faster* than
>> Java?... at least on a multiprocessor machine.
> I don't think performance is a particular criterion for the design of 
> this language. It's not unimportant, but the quality of the code it 
> engenders, especially w.r.t. to concurrency and the difficulty of 
> writing correct code using conventional thread-aware mechanisms,
> _is_ a key design goal.
>> Shouldn't the number of processors on the test machine make a big
>> difference to how fast it runs?  Whereas, the Java version is only
>> dependent on the clock rate of the individual processors.
> Only for algorithms that are both parallelizable and which have actually 
> been written in parallel form. There is not yet (and may never be) any 
> ability to automatically parallelize arbitrary algorithms or code.
>> What happens if we run this benchmark on a nice 4 core core machine?
> And nothing else is running? One core will be used for the thread 
> running this code. Another will do any I/O, though in this case there 
> is virtually none, and another will do GC.
> This test is a sequential algorithm. I'm not familiar with the Alioth 
> benchmarks / shootout, but maybe there are some parallel tests in 
> there.
> Randall Schulz
> >

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