Thanks for taking to time for such a detailed explanation Rich.
This makes things much clear. And thanks Chouser for the
pictorial representation.


On Dec 5, 6:24 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 5, 5:51 am, bOR_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are there any screencasts planned which will feature atoms? (I found
> > that the screencasts are an excellent way of learning clojure).
> Screencasts are generally a side-effect of a speaking engagement. I
> imagine next time I give a talk, I'll talk about atoms too.
> To address the general question about when to use atoms/refs/agents,
> it helps to think of things this way:
> First, note that in talking about atoms/refs/agents we are talking
> about Clojure's reference types that allow changes to be seen by
> multiple threads, so these three reference types are all shared
> reference types.
> There are two dimensions to the choice about using them, the first is
> - will the changes be synchronous or asynchronous, and the second is,
> will a change to this reference ever need to be coordinated with a
> change to another reference or references.
> Chouser made a nice diagram after I described this on IRC:
> As you can see, for coordinated changes, refs + transactions are the
> only game in town, and asynchrony (beyond a set of commutes) doesn't
> make much sense, so no reference type is coming to replace the X.
> For independent change, you have two choices, agents and atoms.
> Atoms are synchronous, the change happens on the calling thread. They
> are as close to a plain variable as you get from Clojure, with a
> critical benefit - they are thread safe, in particular, they are not
> subject to read-modify-write race conditions. Your writes don't happen
> unless they are a function of what was read. But modifications to
> atoms are side effects, and thus need to be avoided in transactions.
> Agents are asynchronous, and that can have important benefits. In
> particular, it means actions get queued, and the sender can proceed
> immediately. They provide a transparent interface to the threading
> system and thread pools. Agents also cooperate with transactions in
> ways that atoms cannot - e.g. agent sends are allowed in transactions
> and get held until commit.
> What's nice is the unified model underlying the reference types. All
> can be read via deref/@, all are designed to refer to an immutable
> data value, and to model change as a function of that value. All
> support validators.
> What that means is that, if you build your state transformation
> functions as pure functions, you can freely choose/switch between the
> different reference types, even using the same logic for two different
> reference types.
> However, they are different, and they have not been unified in the
> areas in which they differ, in particular, they each have a unique
> modification vocabulary - ref-set/alter/commute/send/send-off/swap!/
> compare-and-set!.
> In the end, Clojure is a tool, and will never be able to make
> architectural decisions for you. Hopefully the above will help you
> make informed choices.
> The memoization example is a prime motivating case for atoms - a local
> cache. It's also one that people routinely get multithread-wrong when
> trying to implement with simple mutable variables.
> Rich
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