_proper_ here means that the operating systemwas written in a bar on a
napkin during a week end of heavy drinking .
The following week suddenly it became popular :))) The authors lacked
time to normalize uppercase and lowercase
characters before the wave of implementations started to sprout so
that's why today we face this annoying problems.
It probably took them a month to recover from the drinking excess.

The difference between uppercase and lowercase may matter in literature
but to me the basic meaning of "a" is still "A" :))))
_proper_ here is the wrong qualifier... insane is better choice since
this perversion contaminated almost every
software since this bad hangover.

Folks, before U**X OSes where not case sensitive or did not handle
lowercase characters and it made more sense
from a data processing standpoint.

I know, I sound like an elderly complaining about the old times where
life was
better and blablabla .... :)))


On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 06:33 -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:

> Hi,
> This morning after I "svn up" -ed Clojure Contrib, I could no longer 
> build. It turns out that was 'cause I was still using Ant 1.6.2. But I 
> looked at the line about which the old Ant complained, and it is:
>       <path location="CPL.txt"/>
> However, the name of the file in the SVN repository is "CPL.TXT". Now, 
> on that _other_ operating system, this might work, but on _proper_ 
> operating systems, file names are case-sensitive (as they are in our 
> favorite language).
> Either the name of the file must be changed or the build.xml file must e 
> fixed to refer to the file by its actual name.
> Randall Schulz
> > 

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