> Here's how I think you could do a mutable local:
> (defn f []
>   (def mut-local)
>   (binding [mut-local 0]
>      (set! mut-local 1)
>      mut-local))
> (f) should yield 1
> The flaw with this approach is that def actually creates a global
> var.  It remains unbound, but the fact that the function ends up
> having a global effect is less than satisfying.
> Better ways?

Defining a global var just for local binding is not very clean, and

(defn f []
 (with-local-vars [myvar 1]
   (var-set myvar 2)
   (var-get myvar)))

(f) -> 2

Check out the documentation for with-local-vars for an explanation.

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