Dear vimming Clojurians, I stitched together a quick'n'dirty Clojure tags program. It reads in the named namespaces, extracts the file and line information and creates a tags file, which is suitable to be used by Vim.
Invokation:java -cp ... de.kotka.cljtags --output tags --prefix src some.other.namespace ... Currently it assumes the following file structure: /some/name/space.clj /some/name/space/file_loaded_from_space_clj.clj Unfortunately Clojure doesn't store the filename relative to the namespace directory. So it is impossible to reconstruct the correct name. This means in particular, that cljtags doesn't work with the Clojure sources themselves... However this is only a pre-alpha version. I will try to address these issues. Sincerely Meikel
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature