Maybe (quit-clojure) instead of (quit)? This would save vanilla `quit'
just in case it's needed later/elsewhere.
Might also be nice to have (exit-clojure). Ditto saving vanilla `exit'
for other purposes

When first configuring Clojure on both linux box and windows from the
command line (e.g. pre-slime, sans Jline ); the (quit) form was one of
the first things I evaluated at the REPL :P

Ctl-C eventually got me out, but for those unfamiliar with with the
Java/JVM this leaves a lingering question, "Did that just stop the
REPL or did I effectively kill the entire process tree?...."

Providing an (optional) y-or-no? termination check might be nice also,
as it would allow for a kindly, "Quitting Clojure now will terminate
the running process - Really quit Clojure? y-or-n"


On Nov 30, 11:35 am, Paul Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a minor thing, but wouldn't it be a good idea to put (defn quit
> [] (System/exit 0)) in clojure core, just to make quitting out of the
> REPL more obvious?  Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D work too, and are actually
> shorter to type, but having a quit function seems to be an idiomatic
> way of getting out of the interactive shell.  That's the way to do it
> in Ruby, Python, Groovy, Scheme and Common Lisp, with the exceptions
> being Erlang is halt() and Scala is :q.

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