On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Mark Volkmann
> If you're going to frequently get the latest from SVN, I suggest using
> a script like the following. It assumes you are in a directory that
> contains the subdirectories "clojure" and "clojure-contrib" that were
> initially created by doing svn checkouts. This is for UNIX, Linux or
> Mac. You should be able to write an equivalent Windows script.
> #!/bin/bash
> # Gets the latest versions of clojure and clojure-contrib.
> cd clojure/trunk
> svn update
> ant clean jar
> cd -
> cd clojure-contrib/trunk
> svn update
> ant clean jar
> cd -
> I have this in a file named "getLatest.sh".
> Whenever I want the latest I just run "./getLatest.sh".

I have something similar although my script also gets the latest
SLIME/SWANK packages as well (since major changes to Clojure
frequently require a refresh of those packages too):

#!/bin/sh -e
if [ "$CLJ_ROOT" == "" ]; then
export CLJ_ROOT

rm -dfr clojure
rm -dfr clojure-contrib
rm -dfr clojure-mode
rm -dfr swank-clojure
svn co https://clojure.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/clojure clojure
git clone git://github.com/jochu/clojure-mode.git
git clone git://github.com/jochu/swank-clojure.git
svn co https://clojure-contrib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/clojure-contrib
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/project/slime/cvsroot
co slime
cd clojure/trunk
cd -
cd clojure-contrib/trunk

Bill Clementson

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