The Clojure wikibook has accumulated a lot of useful information over
time, but it's really getting too big to be just one page. It has no
organisation to speak of and it's even unclear what version of Clojure
is required for each example!

For starters, I created some subpages for the larger topics:

(I wiped the old examples subpage as it was just an unorganised
collection showing usage of standard library functions. If someone is
feeling up to it, you can salvage it from the page history and
incorporate it into the book)

For now, the subpages are just verbatim copies of sections on the main
page, which I didn't modify yet to include links to them. With the
material split up somewhat, it should be easier to edit and

Who is responsible for approving changes to the main page by the way?
I personally would like to keep the book open for everyone to edit, at
least until we get things reasonably into shape.

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