On Nov 19, 9:01 am, "J. McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In writing up tests for clojure.contrib.test-clojure that cover the
> Evaluation page of clojure.org, I came across the fact that the
> following threw a CompilerException due to a
> "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure._PLUS___224":
> (eval (eval '(list + 1 2 3)))
> After the AOT changes, this no longer throws an exception and instead
> produces what I had expected previously, the value 6. Is this
> something that will be supported now, i.e. should I be testing to
> ensure that the above form produces 6? My suspicion is yes, but I
> wanted to check anyhow.
I've added support for non-closure fns as code, so yes.
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