I'm not native english speaker, so Clojury and Jewel doesn't sound
cute to me. :)
In Slovak we have very rich gramatical system for creating cute words,
even in more levels, so any word in its base form doesn't sound cute
to us.

So, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it cute way.

On 11/18/08, Paul Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At the risk of sounding like an old fart, I cringe when I hear "Clojury" and
> "Jewel" - they are too "cute" (as Rich nicely put it a while back -
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/msg/0351ca20c758b0b3).
> I agree with Brian Carper - we should keep it readable so +1 for something
> like "clojureforge" - but I don't really like that either if I'm honest.
> Just for the record, my own contribution would be "The Clojure Project
> Hosting Site" but even I will admit that is too boring ;)
> Paul
>  >

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