thanks guys( or gals!)  Yeah I got so fed up with trying to do it I
almost gave up, then I found the (reverse string).  Wow, one word does
what I was trying to do.  Oh well, I guess I'll try to finish doing it
the long way to learn it.  Thanks for the fast replies! :)

On Nov 18, 6:00 pm, joejoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello all,
> so I'm not only new to this group but I am new to Clojure.  I may be
> going about this all wrong but here's what I got.  I want to simply
> take a string and reverse it, ex: "I am cold" would become "cold am
> I" (haha I just realized that's probably how yoda would say it).  So
> for now I am hard coding my string, so "myString" ="I am cold".
> How I am thinking of doing this is as follows:
> (loop [i 0]
> (when (< i (count myString))
> //missing code
> //
> //
> (recur (inc i))))
> so this probably isn't a hard thing to do but like I said I am new to
> this all.  I basically need to figure out a way to print each element
> of myString one at a time, this would allow me to figure out how to
> reverse it.
> so to my simple question, is it possible it print each element of a
> string independently?
> I know about (first myString), which will give me I printed out three
> times.  So it seems there has to be a way and I just can't seem to
> figure it out.
> thanks for any input!
> -joejoe
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