On Tuesday 18 November 2008 08:20:15 mb wrote:
> Hi,
> On 18 Nov., 03:01, Adam Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm in the middle of writing some code to extract sql results, which
> > means I'm doing a *lot* of forcing right now. It's almost enough for
> > me to wish there was a convention (and provided definitions) for
> > denoting lazy/strict versions of functions. (e.g. (map f ...) is a
> > lazy seq, (map! f ...) is strict)
> For what it's worth: I use the following convention.
> - For code which is purely done for side-effects, I use doseq. eg.
>     (doseq [x some-seq] (println x))
> - In case I want to have the seq in memory, or there are side-effects
>   and I need the actual results, I use doall.
>     (doall (map some-f some-seq))
> On the other hand: you can simply create your own map!.
>   (def map! (comp doall map))
> Just my 0.02€.
> Sincerely
> Meikel

Right, but this is precisely the reason for my asking. I was aware you could 
create a macro, but if I do that a lot nobody could read my code any longer. 
Everyone creating his own set of misguided utilities has been an argument 
against lisp, and I think this is a function of communication inside the 

Using a ! to signify forcing is interesting, even though I am reserved because 
scheme is using it to signify side effects and clojure is not free from side 

Anyway, I suppose that doseq is the right idiom for communicating that you 
want throw away the results.

Robert Ewald

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