Hello everyone,

I looked at Wadler's "A Prettier Printer" paper (http://
homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/prettier/prettier.pdf) and did a
rote translation of it into Clojure. Then I wrote printing routines
for sequences and maps -- very barebones. They work OK:

user> (def something '(a b c d (e f g h i) j k (l m n) (o p q r s t u
v) w x y (z)))
user> (pp something 20)
 (e f g h i)
 (l m n)
 (o p q r s t u v)
user> (def things {:one "another" :two {:map "inside" :a "map"} :three
[1 2 3 4 5] :four "still making things up" :five :done})
user> (pp things)
{:three [1 2 3 4 5],
 :one "another",
 :five :done,
 :four "still making things up",
 :two {:a "map", :map "inside"}}
user> (pp (bean (. java.awt.Color black)))
{:RGB -16777216,
 :class class java.awt.Color,
 :red 0,
 :colorSpace [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 :transparency 1,
 :blue 0,
 :green 0,
 :alpha 255}

BUT -- Wadler's implementation is for Haskell, so my transcription
predictably blows up with a stack overflow:

user> (pp (range 1000))
  [Thrown class java.lang.StackOverflowError]

 0: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.

  0: java.lang.Number.<init>(Number.java:32)
  1: java.lang.Integer.<init>(Integer.java:602)
  2: sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor27.invoke(Unknown Source)
  3: sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
  4: java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
  5: clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod(Reflector.java:82)
  6: clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeNoArgInstanceMember(Reflector.java:
  7: user.fn__4400.invoke(pretty.clj:98)

What could be some good strategies to adapt the code I have here to
Clojure, where tail calls are not eliminated and structs are not lazy?

(defstruct NIL :type)
(defstruct CONCAT :type :doc1 :doc2)
(defstruct NEST :type :level :doc)
(defstruct TEXT :type :contents)
(defstruct LINE :type)
(defstruct UNION :type :doc1 :doc2)

(defn doc-nil []
  (struct NIL :NIL))

(defn doc-concat [x y]
  (struct CONCAT :CONCAT x y))

(defn doc-nest [i x]
  (struct NEST :NEST i x))

(defn doc-text [s]
  (struct TEXT :TEXT s))

(defn doc-line []
  (struct LINE :LINE))

(defn doc-union [x y]
  (struct UNION :UNION x y))

(defstruct Nil :type)
(defstruct Text :type :contents :rest)
(defstruct Line :type :level :rest)

(defmulti flatten :type)
(defmethod flatten :NIL [x] x)
(defmethod flatten :TEXT [x] x)
(defmethod flatten :CONCAT [x]
  (doc-concat (flatten (:doc1 x))
              (flatten (:doc2 x))))
(defmethod flatten :NEST [x]
  (doc-nest (:level x)
            (flatten (:doc x))))
(defmethod flatten :LINE [x]
  (doc-text " "))
(defmethod flatten :UNION [x]
  (flatten (:doc1 x)))

(defmulti layout :type)
(defmethod layout :Nil [x] "")
(defmethod layout :Text [x]
  (lazy-cat (:contents x)
            (layout (:rest x))))
(defmethod layout :Line [x]
  (lazy-cat (lazy-cons \newline
                       (replicate (:level x) \space))
            (layout (:rest x))))

(defn group [x]
  (doc-union (flatten x) x))

(defmulti fits (fn [w x] (if (< w 0)
                           (:type x))))
(defmethod fits :ZERO [w x] false)
(defmethod fits :Nil [w x] true)
(defmethod fits :Line [w x] true)
(defmethod fits :Text [w x]
  (fits (- w (.length (:contents x)))
        (:rest x)))

(defn better [w k x y]
  (if (fits (- w k) x)

(defmulti be (fn [w k d]
               (if (empty? d)
                 (:type (second (first d))))))

(defmethod be :EMPTY [w k d]
  (struct Nil :Nil))
(defmethod be :NIL [w k d]
  (be w k (rest d)))
(defmethod be :CONCAT [w k d]
  (let [level (first (first d))
        doc (second (first d))]
    (be w k (lazy-cons [level,(:doc1 doc)]
                       (lazy-cons [level,(:doc2 doc)] (rest d))))))
(defmethod be :NEST [w k d]
  (let [level (first (first d))
        doc (second (first d))]
    (be w k (lazy-cons [(+ level (:level doc)), (:doc doc)]
                       (rest d)))))
(defmethod be :TEXT [w k d]
  (let [doc (second (first d))]
    (struct Text :Text (:contents doc)
            (be w (+ k (.length (:contents doc)))
                (rest d)))))
(defmethod be :LINE [w k d]
  (let [level (first (first d))]
    (struct Line :Line level (be w level (rest d)))))
(defmethod be :UNION [w k d]
  (let [level (first (first d))
        doc (second (first d))]
    (better w k (be w k (lazy-cons [level,(:doc1 doc)] (rest d)))
            (be w k (lazy-cons [level,(:doc2 doc)] (rest d))))))

(defn best [w k x]
  (be w k (list [0,x])))

(defn pretty [w x]
  (layout (best w 0 x)))

(defn show-dispatch [x]
  (cond (seq? x)
        (map? x)

(defmulti show show-dispatch)

(def show-list-children)
(defn show-list-children [x]
  (cond (empty? x)
        (= (count x) 1)
        (show (first x))
        (reduce doc-concat
                (list (show (first x))
                      (show-list-children (rest x))))))

(defn show-list-braces [x]
  (reduce doc-concat (list (doc-text "(")
                           (doc-nest 1 (show-list-children x))
                           (doc-text ")"))))

(defn show-map-item [x]
  (reduce doc-concat (list (show (first x))
                           (doc-text " ")
                           (doc-nest (+ (.length (pr-str (first x)))
                                     (show (second x))))))

(def show-map-items)
(defn show-map-items [x]
  (cond (empty? x)
        (= (count x) 1)
        (show-map-item (first x))
        (reduce doc-concat
                (list (show-map-item (first x))
                      (doc-text ",")
                      (show-map-items (rest x))))))

(defn show-map-braces [x]
  (reduce doc-concat (list (doc-text "{")
                           (doc-nest 1 (show-map-items (seq x)))
                           (doc-text "}"))))

(defmethod show :default [x]
  (doc-text (pr-str x)))
(defmethod show :list [x]
  (group (show-list-braces x)))
(defmethod show :map [x]
  (group (show-map-braces x)))

(defn pp
  ([obj width]
     (print (apply str (pretty width (show obj)))))
     (pp obj 80)))

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