On Nov 17, 4:22 pm, samppi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Inhttp://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_thread/thread/62140a28b...,
> the following example was given:
> (defn test1 [{x :x, y :y, :or {:y 3}}]
>         [x y])
> (test1 {:x 2}) => [2 3]
> But this doesn't work on the latest Clojure from Subversion I just
> got:
> (test1 {:x 2}) => [2 nil]
> Was this a feature that was removed? Or should it work?

That's a typo in the original, should be:

(defn test1 [{x :x, y :y, :or {y 3}}]
  [x y])


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