On Nov 16, 11:01 pm, Brian W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm going to assume this is serious and not a joke, but you do realize
> Clojure is already quite well documented at clojure.org?

I admit I started without reading the documentation, but having got
stuck I then read the documentation - both that at Clojure.org and
that in the Wikibook - carefully. It didn't help. I've been writing
LISP for half the history of the language, so I'm not exactly
unfamiliar with it.

> #t  t     =>     true
> define  defun  =>    defn
> car, cdr, caar, etc.   ~>  first, rest, ffirst, rrest, frest, rfirst
> arglists are vectors because [ ] stand out better

This is very badly missing the point. The point about LISP is that
(ideally at least) it is completely regular and orthogonal, with no
artificial syntax. A list is a list is a list. Introducing
irregularity for the sake of has no benefit and only disbenefit. If
arglists are vectors for some efficiency reason connected to the need
to integrate with Java, that's a good reason, and worth putting up
with. But if it's syntax for the sake of syntax, then that's just

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