Hi folks, I made some small changes to clojure.contrib.test-is:

1. *test-out* now defaults to standard output (instead of standard
error). This should be better for SLIME users.

2. Based on Frantisek Sodomka's suggestions, I've added two
convenience macros, each= and all-true:

user=> (doc all-true)
([& body])
  Convenience macro; every body expression is tested as with 'is'.
user=> (doc each=)
([& forms])
  Convenience macro for doing a bunch of equality tests.  Same as
  doing (is (= ...)) on each pair.

  (each= (test-expr-1) expected-value1
         (test-expr-2) expected-value2
         (test-expr-3) expected-value3)

I also modified test_clojure/numbers to demonstrate use of all-true.

I though about calling it "are", since it's like a plural form of
"is", but I thought that might be confusing for non-native-English

I have committed these changes ONLY in the new, no-namespace-directory

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