Hi Stephen, Am 16.11.2008 um 18:55 schrieb Stephen C. Gilardi:
Is this intended?It is intended. Please see the discussion here:http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/search?group=clojure&q=recur+catch&qt_g=Search+this+group
I skimmed through the thread, and it seems the discussion is for the following case: (loop [...] (try ... (catch ... (recur ...)))) I wouldn't expect this to work. However in my case the structure was: (try ... (catch ... (loop [...] (recur ...)))) So the loop did not cross the catch clause. From theoretic point of view, I don't see a reason, why this should not be possible. From a practical point of view there might be well a reason why this prohibited. But then it should be mentioned in the docs: "no loop inside catch". Sincerely Meikel
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