One way I could think of to do this would be to build a map with each
unique item as a key and the count as its value. Then it would be
trivial to pull out the keys with the count as a specified value. I
started writing this, but my SLIME is royally screwed up right now
after the upgrade to Clojure HEAD. Sorry. Anyway, it shouldn't require
any refs - probably just a loop/recur.

Or maybe someone has a far more clever idea. :)

> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 12:02 PM, npt11tpn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> This is my first post to the group, but have been following the
> discussions for almost a year. Many thanks to Rich Hickey for creating
> a fantastic future-proof language which is a pleasure to use and to
> the great community!
> The following function (as part of a chemistry-related application)
> filters the elements of a sequence that a repeated a specified number
> of times. Wondering if the function could be simplified and written
> without the reference (newseq).
> Thanks a lot!
> Nik
> (defn filter-repeats [seq n]
>  "Returns a vector of the elements of a sequence that are repeated n
> times"
>  (let [newseq (ref [])]
>    (doseq [u (set seq)]
>      (when (= (count (filter #(= % u) seq)) n)
>        (dosync (commute newseq conj u))))
>    @newseq))
> Usage e.g.
> (filter-repeats '(2 3 1 4 2 2 4 3 5 ) 2)
> [3 4]
> >

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