On Nov 14, 10:56 pm, samppi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to do this:
> (flat-map-seq {:a 3, :b 1, :c 2}) ; returns (:a 3 :b 1 :c 2)
(defn flat-map-seq [m]
(if (empty? m) '()
(let [kv (first m)]
(lazy-cons (kv 0) (lazy-cons (kv 1) (flat-map-seq (rest m)))))))
> ...and vice versa:
> (map-from-flat-collection {} [:a 3 :b 1 :c 2]) ; returns {:a 3, :b
> 1, :c 2}
(defn map-from-flat-collection [c]
(if (empty? c) {}
(conj (map-from-flat-collection (rrest c)) [(first c) (frest
> Anyone have any idiomatic ideas?
Well, not sure how idiomatic this is; apart from conj, this is how
you'd do it in Lisp/Scheme. I'd use fold to do the first function if
it's built into Clojure.
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