On Nov 13, 11:43 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're coming around the other side of the few breaking changes I
> wanted to get done before release 1.0.
> The changes are:
> New regex format:
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/msg/eddd7f0d292da683
> Uniform binding syntax using vectors:
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_frm/thread/55213f2eb203...
> And ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation (SVN 1094+)

Thanks very much Rich. All these changes are very exciting.
I look forward to using them.

Does this mean that at some point clojure.jar would
contain precompiled class files for clojure code?
I suppose that would mean faster startup of the


> There is now an AOT compiler that can compile .clj files to .class
> files on disk. This can be used to save startup time, deliver
> applications without source, interop with bytecode-based tools etc.
> The main structural change related to AOT is that the mapping between
> a Clojure namespace and a Java package has changed. Where it was ns
> maps to package:
> my.fancy.lib ==> my/fancy/lib/lib.clj
> it is now ns maps to class:
> my.fancy.lib ==> my/fancy/lib.clj, when compiled, my/fancy/lib.class
> Just lift your files up a directory to accommodate this change. Note
> that this implies that all namespaces should have at least 2 segments,
> and following the Java package name guidelines, e.g.
> com.mydomain.mylib, is recommended.
> Accordingly, the clojure ns has been renamed clojure.core. Any
> explicitly qualified references will need to be changed. boot.clj has
> been renamed core.clj.
> The only other source-level change here was a small one to load - you
> no longer should supply the .clj extension, in keeping with load's new
> ability to load from .class files.
> The latter is the only functional difference AOT brings to existing
> code - load will load from a .class file if it is newer than the .clj.
> Both files need to be in the classpath, using a directory structure
> corresponding the the Java package as per above. Once compiled, .clj
> files need not be present at all if .class files are supplied.
> The unit of compilation is the lib. To compile a lib, simple say:
> (compile 'my.fancy.lib)
> The source must be in the classpath, in my/fancy/lib.clj Compilation
> output will go under the path designated by *compile-path*, which
> defaults to the "classes" directory under cwd. Output will go to
> *compile-path*/my/fancy/lib.class, and the subdirectories will be
> created if needed. *compile-path* is bound in the repl and can be set!
> or bound with binding. The *compile-path* directory must also be in
> the classpath.
> Compilation occurs under a same-world model, i.e. compiling a file has
> the effect of loading it as well. As each file/fn is compiled, it is
> loaded using the standard class lookup (thus the *compile-path* in
> classpath requirement above). This is so that definitions can see and
> utilize the definitions and macros that preceded them. While
> compiling, a *compile-files* flag is set. This will cause nested load/
> require/uses to compile as well, if needed. If your file has some def
> initializers you don't want to run at compile-time, you can
> conditionalize them like this:
> (def foo (when-not *compile-files* (my-runtime-init)))
> in which case foo will be nil at compile time.
> A .class file will be produced for every file loaded. This file
> defines a class called my.fancy.lib, which will have a static void load
> () method (this name is likely to change). Calling this method has the
> same effect as loading the original .clj would.
> Namespaces defined in multiple files are supported. Simply (load "lib-
> helper-file") for any helper files at the bottom of your ns-
> defining .clj file. Note that classes will be created for these files
> as well, even though they are not namespaces, and are not intended for
> standalone use
> In addition to the class file per .clj file, there will be a .class
> file for every function. These will be named my/fancy/lib
> $myfun__xxxx.class. They too are not intended for standalone use.
> There will be many of these, so please use jar files for distribution.
> The clojure.contrib and tools folks are working on getting in sync
> with these changes. For minimal disruption, please stick with the SVN
> rev they support (say, 1088), or lend a hand in testing their patches.
> Still to come is a folding of genclass functionality into AOT, making
> for a much smoother process.
> Those of you who've used Clojure for a while know such breaking
> changes are few and far between. AOT compilation is an important, non-
> trivial, and often requested feature. Please be patient during the
> transition.
> As always, feedback and bug reports welcome.
> Thanks,
> Rich
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