Hi all,

I created a new framework for defining specifications on functions...


An example spec (taken from the main wiki page):

(defspec +              ; Shows we are defining a specification for
the + function
  ([]      (= value 0)) ; Verify that (+) => 0
  ([1]     (= value 1)) ; Verify that (+ 1) => 1
  ([1 2 3] (= value 6)) ; Verify that (+ 1 2 3) => 6
  ([1 'a]               ; Verify that (+ 1 'a) throws a
    (instance? java.lang.ClassCastException exception)
    (.contains (.getMessage exception) "Symbol cannot be cast to

I've tried to make it concise enough that it is easy to read and can
be defined right next to the actual function... I personally use tests
as documentation, and having this available would be perfect for me.



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