Hi Peter,

For the sequence of positive integers: (iterate inc 1)
Take a look at the lazy-seqs library in Clojure-Contrib for some more  
interesting lazy sequences.


> Hello all, I am just about to write my first Clojure code to teach
> myself the language.
> I thought I might try Bulls&Cows aka Mastermind.  This is the game  
> where
> one player hides a pattern of colors, the other guesses a pattern, and
> the first says something like "1 correct color in the right place,  
> and 2
> correct colors in the wrong places".  I want the computer to guess the
> pattern.
> The algorithm I want to use is to generate the set of all possible
> answers, select one at random as the guess, and then successively  
> remove
> those inconsistent with the set of responses received so far.  This
> approach turns out to be close to optimal and the set of consistent
> guesses shrinks rapidly.
> I want to do this with sequence and filters.  I want to make my own  
> kind
> of lazy sequence that is the set of all possible guesses, and then
> filter it for consistency with the responses.
> My problem is getting my mind around the Sequence interface.  I don't
> really understand how to make my own "type" of sequence.  I don't  
> really
> want a List, Vector or Map-- I want an infinite sequence defined by an
> algorithm.
> In Java I would expect to define my own class that implements the ISeq
> interface.  What is the Clojure equivalent?
> For example, how would one make the sequence of all positive integers?
> I'm sure it's trivial, but it will un-stick me.
> Also I haven't found the right document/screencast that talks about
> this.  Can someone give me a pointer.
> Thanks in advance
> Peter
> >

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