Rich Hickey wrote:
> On Oct 30, 3:57 pm, bc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Is there any way to enter an annotation or comments when a file is
> > uploaded to the Clojure Google Groups file area? I've recently had a
> > look at a few things there and it would be nice to have some context
> > or background on why they were uploaded. For example, "" is a
> > Traveling Salesperson example but, unless you download it and look at
> > the code, how would you know that? Another example is "Clojure.png"
> > which has a nice graphical representation of the Clojure reader. Was
> > this part of a documentation effort or was it uploaded as an example
> > as part of a discussion (a search on "Clojure.png" in the group didn't
> > produce any matches)? It would be nice to have some form of comments/
> > annotations about the files.
> >
> That's a good point. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Google Groups
> supports any annotations on the files. Suggestions for alternatives
> welcome.
Recently I noticed that the vim_dev google group set up
the "pages" section to list patches and their summary.
Maybe something like that can be used.
> Rich
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