We now have the declare macro in Clojure:

(defmacro declare
   "defs the supplied var names with no bindings, useful for making  
forward declarations."
   [& names] `(do ~@(map #(list 'def %) names)))

That's structurally similar to a macro I'm having trouble getting  
right. Here's a modification of declare that shows the problem I'd  
appreciate help with:

(defmacro declare-init [vecs] `(do ~@(map #(list 'def (first %)  
(second %)) vecs)))

This takes a seq of seqs where each inner seq is a pair of a variable  
name and an init value.

It works with a literal for vecs:

user=> (declare-init [[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]])
#=(var user/c)

But if I def the seq of seqs:

user=> (def myvecs '[[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]])
#=(var user/myvecs)
user=> myvecs
[[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]]

declare-init doesn't work with it:

user=> (declare-init myvecs)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq  
from: myvecs (Symbol) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:17)                    [please  
see footnote]

I tried to tweak the macro to get the vecs argument evaluated  
(unquoting vecs on the right):

user=> (defmacro declare-init [vecs] `(do ~@(map #(list 'def (first %)  
(second %)) ~vecs)))

but that's not legal:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't embed unreadable object in code:  

How can one write declare-init so that this works:

user=> myvecs
[[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]]
user=> (declare-init myvecs)

and has the same effect as:

user=> (declare-init [[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]])
#=(var user/c)


[footnote] this is an error message I enhanced to give the name  
(myvecs) as well as the class (Symbol) because it can be pretty hard  
to determine what the message is talking about from the current  
Clojure error message which just says "Symbol". I'd appreciate seeing  
this enhancement made to Clojure as part of the ongoing error message  
clarity initiative.

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