On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Krukow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am kind of embarrassed to ask this, but is there a "correct way" to
> do this . Do you simply re-def a function, e.g., to time execution:
> (def old-f f)
> (defn f [] (time old-f))

Looks good to me.

> Under which conditions (e.g. which kind of Java interoperability) is
> this thread safe? Supposing only clojure functions are calling f; it
> would be thread safe, right?

re-def'ing is atomic, I believe, so you shouldn't need to worry.
There's no transaction support though, so if you've got several
inter-dependant functions to replace, make sure you do it in an order
that makes sense.


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