So the moral of the story (in terms of idiomatic clojure) is to
declare RuntimeExceptions instead of Exceptions (if you need to
declare an exception)? Or is there a better way to handle errors?


On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 7:39 AM, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 23, 10:11 pm, jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Rich,
>> When I do the following:
>> (gen-and-load-class 'user.UserException :extends Exception)
>> (defn th [arg]
>>           (throw (new user.UserException  "thrown exception")))
>> (defn test-fn []
>>          (try
>>            (dorun (map th '(1 2 3)))
>>            (catch user.UserException e
>>                           (println "caught" e))
>>            (finally (println "finally clause"))))
>> and then execute test-fn, the exception is not caught.
>> user=> (test-fn)
>> finally clause
>> java.lang.RuntimeException: user.UserException: thrown exception
>> So am I doing something wrong or is this a bug when an exception is
>> thrown from inside a call to map?
> Currently ISeq (the interface for seqs) doesn't declare any exceptions
> on first/rest, therefor no implementations, e.g. LazyCons, can throw
> checked exceptions. So, if they encounter an exception in the
> implementation closure, they have to wrap it in an unchecked
> exception, like RuntimeException.
> This is a good example of why checked exceptions are bad - they force
> intervening parties who should have no participation in the process to
> be involved in exception declarations and handling, thereby thwarting
> the basic premise of exceptions - communication between the party that
> had the problem and the party that can do something about it.
> In any case, the only way to fix this is to declare that first/rest
> throw Exception in ISeq, which would be a big change (because
> everything that calls them would then have to declare exceptions, and
> everything that calls them... - complete inanity).
> They definitely weren't thinking about closures and higher-order
> programming when they invented checked exceptions - it invariably
> leads to everything declaring they throw the root Exception, so why
> bother?
> Rich
> >

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