
If anyone is using Windows, please share what environment you're using
to program in.
I'm using a Windows Vim with Cygwin's rxvt and mercurial. That is: I
edit in Vim, run a REPL in screen in a rxvt to send code to and
mercurial and mq for playing with different ideas before going on.
I don't like the monolitic style of IDEs. I tried Eclipse (for Ruby
development) but the resource hungriness killed all the fun...

-method/parameter lookup (for clojure and java code)
The Vim plugin doesn't give the parameters, but it provides C-n
completion for the functions of Clojure. For Java I don't know.

-syntax highlighting
Works with Vim.

PS: I'm attempting to install Vim and the clojure plugin for windows
right now, but can't find a tutorial for windows and am having lots of
trouble. A link would be really helpful.
Let's say, as an example, you installed Vim to C:\Vim. Then create a
directory C:\Vim\vimfiles. Download VimClojure and put the files in this
directory. So eg. ftplugin/clojure.vim should go to

Make sure that filetype plugins and syntax highlighting are active. Put
the following in your _vimrc.

  filetype plugin indent on
  syntax on

Then everything should work out of the box. In case you are still unsure
of where to look for files etc., helpful topics are:

  :help _vimrc


  :help runtimepath

VimClojure can be found at:

Hope this helps.


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