Hi, I'm trying to wrap my head around functional programming, and I'm
having some trouble doing the following:

Here's a small iterator function that I wrote, which calls a function
on each element of a vector-of-vectors.

(defn v2d-each
  ([v2d stRow endRow stCol endCol func]
    (doseq r (range (max 0 stRow) (min (v2d :rows) endRow))
      (doseq c (range (max 0 stCol) (min (v2d :cols) endCol))
        (func r c (v2d-get v2d r c)))))

But this function turned out to be not as useful as I had hoped,
because there's no way for me to early exit the iterator (as Clojure
doesn't have Ruby's break or return statements)

Could I have some help writing this in idomatic Clojure?

Thank you very much
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